Male 168
Female 40
Total 208
Membership distribution
Recreational Cycling
Racing Cycling
Multisport only(Total MS)
*member numbers as at 11 Dec 2024

Redlands Cycling and Multisport Club (RCMC) has its base on the east side of Brisbane, an ideal area for cycling and multisports such as running and swimming.
As one of SEQ's larger clubs we attract both recreational cyclists, competitive cyclists and triathletes, all striving for one common purpose - that is to enjoy keeping fit and meeting new friends and social contacts.
We cater for a wide range of athletes and have rides and training schedules that would suit almost anyone. Young, young-at-heart, fast, not-so-fast and cruising groups for those just starting out or looking for a more social engagement. Our race teams are also well represented in most categories in the Queensland cycling league, including open categories, juniors and masters.
We are always happy to encourage new members to join us so if you would like to know more info on this feel free to click either of the four options below under 'Join Us' to find out how.
Alternatively you are welcome to peruse the rest of the site and if you still can't find what you need you can email any of the Club contacts in the CONTACTS section of this website for further assistance.

Club Code of Conduct & Rider Briefing/Standing Orders